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Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age (GEVA)

Inference of the ancestral origin of a genetic variant at a single locus

Age estimated for the alternate allele, assuming that it was derived from the reference allele as the ancestral state.
Allele frequency in   SGDP
Sample 99.6%
AFR 100.0%
AMR 100.0%
CAS 98.1%
EAS 98.9%
OCN 100.0%
SAS 100.0%
WEA 100.0%
reference ← allele frequency → alternate
Age estimation summary Joint clock
Data source Estimated age of A allele # pairs = concordant + discordant Quality score
 Genomes in SGDP609.6 generations 95  =  1  +  941.000
Pairwise results table Joint clock
Haplotype pair Pair type Data source Breakpoint positions Physical length (bp) Genetic Length (cM) α β Mean TMRCA (generations)
S_Yakut-2B + S_Thai-1B Concordant SGDP 135,757,423136,852,854 1,095,430.5 0.30561406 10 771.2979 259.3
S_Yakut-2B + S_Tuscan-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 47 552.7512 1,700.6
S_Yakut-2B + S_Palestinian-3A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 57 562.7585 2,025.7
S_Yakut-2B + S_Masai-1B Discordant SGDP 136,391,342136,762,052 370,710.0 0.05242810 40 220.8833 3,621.8
S_Yakut-2B + S_Mozabite-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Iranian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,774,712 384,963.0 0.05887274 24 232.8804 2,061.1
S_Thai-1B + S_Papuan-11A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 54 562.7585 1,919.1
S_Thai-1B + S_Tujia-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Hezhen-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 47 564.6453 1,664.8
S_Yakut-2B + S_Daur-2B Discordant SGDP 135,782,261136,822,338 1,040,077.0 0.16396375 42 631.4080 1,330.4
S_Yakut-2B + S_Lahu-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Tlingit-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 56 562.7585 1,990.2
S_Yakut-2B + S_Altaian-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 54 562.7585 1,919.1
S_Yakut-2B + S_BantuHerero-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 75 552.7512 2,713.7
S_Yakut-2B + S_Abkhasian-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 53 562.7585 1,883.6
S_Yakut-2B + B_Crete-2A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Naxi-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + B_Australian-3B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 61 564.6453 2,160.6
S_Yakut-2B + S_She-1B Discordant SGDP 136,589,238136,649,985 60,747.5 0.01204739 6 39.7967 3,015.3
S_Thai-1B + S_Albanian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Japanese-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,597,107 837,009.0 0.07106031 55 459.6126 2,393.3
S_Thai-1B + S_Lezgin-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Korean-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Samaritan-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,774,712 384,963.0 0.05887274 23 232.8804 1,975.3
S_Yakut-2B + S_Korean-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 39 564.6453 1,381.4
S_Yakut-2B + S_Palestinian-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 59 562.7585 2,096.8
S_Yakut-2B + S_Burmese-1B Discordant SGDP 136,080,619136,776,467 695,848.0 0.07473184 34 394.7925 1,722.4
S_Yakut-2B + S_Sardinian-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Ami-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 39 564.6453 1,381.4
S_Yakut-2B + S_Russian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Thai-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Saharawi-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Kinh-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Tlingit-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + B_Australian-4A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Japanese-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Dusun-1B Discordant SGDP 135,942,298136,776,467 834,169.0 0.07981122 33 465.2501 1,418.6
S_Thai-1B + S_Papuan-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 51 562.7585 1,812.5
S_Yakut-2B + S_Bougainville-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 52 562.7585 1,848.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Brahmin-2A Discordant SGDP 135,782,261136,762,052 979,790.5 0.07868380 61 534.2465 2,283.6
S_Yakut-2B + S_Bougainville-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 49 552.7512 1,772.9
S_Thai-1B + S_Greek-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 71 562.7585 2,523.3
S_Yakut-2B + S_Papuan-7A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Jordanian-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 59 552.7512 2,134.8
S_Yakut-2B + S_Papuan-9B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,649,985 889,887.5 0.08225686 42 493.9515 1,700.6
S_Thai-1B + S_Mandenka-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 71 562.7585 2,523.3
S_Yakut-2B + S_Mansi-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 55 562.7585 1,954.7
S_Yakut-2B + S_Iraqi_Jew-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 56 564.6453 1,983.5
S_Yakut-2B + S_Bengali-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Druze-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 50 562.7585 1,777.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Yadava-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,762,052 372,303.0 0.05395958 27 222.8731 2,422.9
S_Yakut-2B + S_Druze-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Yadava-2A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Palestinian-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,774,712 384,963.0 0.05887274 32 232.8804 2,748.2
S_Yakut-2B + S_Irula-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,642,220 882,122.5 0.07987209 48 488.3165 1,965.9
S_Yakut-2B + S_Sardinian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Khonda_Dora-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Tuscan-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Mala-3B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Jordanian-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 56 552.7512 2,026.2
S_Yakut-2B + S_Brahui-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 53 562.7585 1,883.6
S_Yakut-2B + S_Abkhasian-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,642,220 252,471.5 0.04531508 22 158.4384 2,777.1
S_Yakut-2B + S_Makrani-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Chechen-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 55 552.7512 1,990.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Balochi-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,649,985 889,887.5 0.08225686 54 493.9515 2,186.4
S_Yakut-2B + S_Tajik-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 56 562.7585 1,990.2
S_Yakut-2B + S_Luhya-2B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Mandenka-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 75 562.7585 2,665.4
S_Yakut-2B + S_Luo-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 71 552.7512 2,569.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Cambodian-2A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Sindhi-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 55 562.7585 1,954.7
S_Thai-1B + S_Tujia-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Armenian-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 54 562.7585 1,919.1
S_Thai-1B + B_Australian-3A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 56 562.7585 1,990.2
S_Yakut-2B + S_Finnish-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 59 562.7585 2,096.8
S_Thai-1B + S_Bougainville-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 67 562.7585 2,381.1
S_Yakut-2B + S_Finnish-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 58 562.7585 2,061.3
S_Thai-1B + S_Papuan-10A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 45 562.7585 1,599.3
S_Yakut-2B + S_French-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Hawaiian-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,785,841 1,025,743.0 0.10319507 43 575.9127 1,493.3
S_Yakut-2B + S_Basque-2B Discordant SGDP 136,557,025136,776,467 219,442.0 0.02883100 16 129.3970 2,473.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Madiga-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 42 564.6453 1,487.7
S_Yakut-2B + S_Georgian-2A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Georgian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Greek-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,642,220 882,122.5 0.07987209 45 488.3165 1,843.1
S_Thai-1B + S_Hungarian-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,642,220 882,122.5 0.07987209 52 488.3165 2,129.8
S_Yakut-2B + S_Greek-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 63 562.7585 2,239.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Masai-1B Discordant SGDP 136,407,322136,762,052 354,730.0 0.05005543 40 211.3147 3,785.8
S_Yakut-2B + S_Masai-2B Discordant SGDP 136,391,342136,762,052 370,710.0 0.05242810 41 220.8833 3,712.4
S_Thai-1B + S_Russian-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 66 562.7585 2,345.6
S_Yakut-2B + S_Iranian-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,774,712 1,014,614.0 0.09342975 51 562.7585 1,812.5
S_Thai-1B + S_Turkish-1A Discordant SGDP 136,597,086136,597,107 20.5 0.00000139 4 1.0110 79,133.0
S_Yakut-2B + S_Iraqi_Jew-2B Discordant SGDP 135,340,792136,774,712 1,433,919.5 0.38519553 116 997.4378 2,326.0
S_Thai-1B + S_Karitiana-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 45 564.6453 1,593.9
S_Yakut-2B + S_Iraqi_Jew-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,776,467 1,016,369.5 0.09473490 47 564.6453 1,664.8
Data shown in this table can be downloaded from this page.
α Shape parameter of the Gamma distribution, calculated from the number of pairwise differences along the sequence of the inferred shared haplotype segment (mutation clock), or the breakpoints detected (recombination clock), or both (joint clock); plus the parameter of the coalescent prior distribution (equal to 1 by default).
β Rate parameter of the Gamma distribution, calculated from the physical length of the inferred shared haplotype segment and the mutation rate (mutation clock), or the genetic length given the variable recombination rate (recombination clock), or both (joint clock); plus the parameter of the coalescent prior distribution (equal to 1 by default).
Mean TMRCA Calculated as the mean of the Gamma distribution with parameters α and β, multiplied by 2 x Ne, where Ne = 10,000 by default.