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Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age (GEVA)

Inference of the ancestral origin of a genetic variant at a single locus

Age estimated for the alternate allele, assuming that it was derived from the reference allele as the ancestral state.
Allele frequency in   SGDP
Sample 99.6%
AFR 100.0%
AMR 100.0%
CAS 100.0%
EAS 100.0%
OCN 100.0%
SAS 100.0%
WEA 98.7%
reference ← allele frequency → alternate
Age estimation summary Joint clock
Data source Estimated age of C allele # pairs = concordant + discordant Quality score
 Genomes in SGDP466.3 generations 95  =  1  +  940.989
Pairwise results table Joint clock
Haplotype pair Pair type Data source Breakpoint positions Physical length (bp) Genetic Length (cM) α β Mean TMRCA (generations)
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_North_Ossetian-2B Concordant SGDP 136,389,477136,787,291 397,814.0 0.08369446 7 258.9063 540.7
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Czech-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 19 111.6004 3,405.0
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Punjabi-3B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 7 56.6974 2,469.2
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Burusho-1B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 8 56.6974 2,822.0
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Mixe-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 31 441.4785 1,404.4
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Yemenite_Jew-2B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 7 56.6974 2,469.2
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Norwegian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Basque-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Oroqen-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 38 441.4785 1,721.5
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Oroqen-1A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Mansi-1A Discordant SGDP 135,597,516136,785,841 1,188,325.0 0.26173649 33 780.7852 845.3
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Eskimo_Chaplin-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 31 441.4785 1,404.4
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Even-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,762,052 1,001,954.0 0.08851659 37 552.7512 1,338.8
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Eskimo_Sireniki-1B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,762,052 206,910.5 0.02601890 7 121.1322 1,155.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Estonian-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Finnish-3B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 19 111.6004 3,405.0
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Hezhen-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 29 441.4785 1,313.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Samaritan-1B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Dai-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 39 441.4785 1,766.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_North_Ossetian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Itelman-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 32 441.4785 1,449.7
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Saharawi-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Eskimo_Naukan-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 32 441.4785 1,449.7
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Madiga-1B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 9 56.6974 3,174.7
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Mansi-2B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Sindhi-2A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Bulgarian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,021,995136,976,283 954,288.0 0.30225436 28 700.8617 799.0
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Bulgarian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,394,329136,566,051 171,722.0 0.02943990 18 106.9785 3,365.2
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Bulgarian-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,785,841 1,025,743.0 0.10319507 16 575.9127 555.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_English-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Georgian-2B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Finnish-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Hungarian-2A Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,762,052 206,910.5 0.02601890 11 121.1322 1,816.2
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Saami-2B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,976,283 421,142.0 0.25682418 32 408.6075 1,566.3
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Druze-1A Discordant SGDP 136,080,619136,566,051 485,431.5 0.04702322 20 271.6257 1,472.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Icelandic-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Palestinian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,762,052 206,910.5 0.02601890 10 121.1322 1,651.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Jordanian-3A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 20 111.6004 3,584.2
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Sardinian-1A Discordant SGDP 135,597,516136,785,841 1,188,325.0 0.26173649 27 780.7852 691.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Orcadian-2A Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 6 56.6974 2,116.5
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_North_Ossetian-2A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 32 441.4785 1,449.7
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Tajik-2A Discordant SGDP 136,556,402137,629,015 1,072,613.5 0.96585764 56 1,288.5406 869.2
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Adygei-1A Discordant SGDP 135,597,516136,566,051 968,535.0 0.22556769 40 646.3510 1,237.7
S_North_Ossetian-2B + B_Crete-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 16 111.6004 2,867.4
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Adygei-2B Discordant SGDP 135,597,516136,566,051 968,535.0 0.22556769 47 646.3510 1,454.3
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Pima-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Spanish-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 35 441.4785 1,585.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Chukchi-1B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 6 56.6974 2,116.5
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Yemenite_Jew-1A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 40 441.4785 1,812.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Brahmin-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 19 111.6004 3,405.0
S_Abkhasian-1B + B_Sardinian-3A Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,785,841 1,025,743.0 0.10319507 9 575.9127 312.5
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Burusho-2B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 6 56.6974 2,116.5
S_Abkhasian-1B + B_Sardinian-3B Discordant SGDP 135,597,516136,566,051 968,535.0 0.22556769 39 646.3510 1,206.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Punjabi-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_Abkhasian-1B + B_Karitiana-3B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Punjabi-4A Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 6 56.6974 2,116.5
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Chane-1A Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,762,052 206,910.5 0.02601890 12 121.1322 1,981.3
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Atayal-1A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Pima-1B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 43 441.4785 1,948.0
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_English-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_Abkhasian-1B + S_Pima-2B Discordant SGDP 135,760,098136,566,051 805,953.0 0.06702628 38 441.4785 1,721.5
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_BantuKenya-1A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Mozabite-1A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Estonian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Mixtec-2B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,642,220 87,079.0 0.01737440 5 56.6974 1,763.7
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Finnish-3A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Mongola-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Saami-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Tubalar-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 19 111.6004 3,405.0
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_French-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 19 111.6004 3,405.0
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Tlingit-1B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Greek-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Aleut-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Iranian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,394,329136,566,051 171,722.0 0.02943990 18 106.9785 3,365.2
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Cambodian-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 22 111.6004 3,942.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Tuscan-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Naxi-2B Discordant SGDP 136,555,141136,587,056 31,914.5 0.00700724 6 21.9247 5,473.3
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Kyrgyz-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Dai-3B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Orcadian-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 21 111.6004 3,763.4
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Miao-2A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Lezgin-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Uygur-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 19 111.6004 3,405.0
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Spanish-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Xibo-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Turkish-1B Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Yi-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Yemenite_Jew-1B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 21 111.6004 3,763.4
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Mozabite-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 22 111.6004 3,942.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + B_French-3B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Xibo-2A Discordant SGDP 136,566,014136,566,051 36.5 0.00000127 4 1.0185 78,544.1
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Piapoco-1A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Kinh-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 20 111.6004 3,584.2
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Pima-2A Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 17 111.6004 3,046.6
S_North_Ossetian-2B + S_Dusun-2B Discordant SGDP 136,389,749136,566,051 176,302.0 0.03246927 18 111.6004 3,225.8
Data shown in this table can be downloaded from this page.
α Shape parameter of the Gamma distribution, calculated from the number of pairwise differences along the sequence of the inferred shared haplotype segment (mutation clock), or the breakpoints detected (recombination clock), or both (joint clock); plus the parameter of the coalescent prior distribution (equal to 1 by default).
β Rate parameter of the Gamma distribution, calculated from the physical length of the inferred shared haplotype segment and the mutation rate (mutation clock), or the genetic length given the variable recombination rate (recombination clock), or both (joint clock); plus the parameter of the coalescent prior distribution (equal to 1 by default).
Mean TMRCA Calculated as the mean of the Gamma distribution with parameters α and β, multiplied by 2 x Ne, where Ne = 10,000 by default.